Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Simple Pleasures

I had the opportunity to join one of our loyal volunteers to deliver meals one morning for a couple hours. Our discussion in the car between deliveries centered on the Presidential election, planning for the coming holidays, the price of gas, midtown traffic congestion, upcoming vacations, challenges of raising teenagers, and other current events of the day. All this changed when we met a senior citizen client who made us rethink our priorities.

This lovely woman greeted us at her door with a big smile on her face. She graciously accepted the meals we brought her, but with one motion, she also pulled us both in to her stark apartment with glee. “Look what I have!” she exclaimed, pointing to the large picture window through which we saw very large hardwood trees brimming with yellow, red, and orange leaves of the fall season. Against the bright blue sky that day, the splendor of the colors made me squint. A sudden breeze outside made the picture come to life.

I couldn’t imagine a painting as beautiful to be found anywhere in the world. So, we stood there, the three of us, for a moment, then two, silent, just watching. “Just look what I have!” she said again.

We watched a moment more, and although wishing our stay could last longer, turned with my volunteer, and said our good-byes. The initial silence in the car with my volunteer as we rode to the next stop was broken as we looked at one another, and smiling, reflected that we had been given a great gift by that senior citizen that day: the chance to stop the busy-ness of a day, and appreciate simple pleasures in our own lives through the eyes of another.

If you wish to share simple pleasures with us and our seniors, we invite you to sign up to volunteer through this web site. Happy holidays!

By Brad Catherman
Vice President of Gift Planning

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