Wednesday, April 7, 2010

AAA – your road to successful living!

SCS provides many referrals a year to our collaborative partners in metro-Atlanta. Likewise, these agency partners share our name with seniors and their families when we can provide service. You are probably familiar with the roadside assistance company called AAA – well, here’s another AAA that is often a senior’s road to successful living:

Area Agency on Aging (AAA) - Created by the federal Older Americans Act (OAA) over three decades ago, AAA is often the county or regional department on aging. Some serve a whole state, others just one city, county or county area. The AAA addresses the concerns of older Americans age 60+ and their family caregivers at the local level. These agencies identify community and social service needs for older adults and administer the Family Caregiver Support Program, which provides respite assistance, support groups and other services for caregivers. To access your local AAA, contact the Eldercare Locator at: or (800) 677-1116.

-- by Brad Catherman, Vice President for Gift Planning

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