Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Monthly Support of Meals On Wheels Atlanta

This year, make a resolution to support Atlanta's seniors year-round!

Through our online donation system, you can make a recurring gift that will be automatically drawn from your credit card or bank account on the same day every month. A monthly donation of $142 will fund an entire month of nutritious, home-delivered meals for one older adult. Can you find 7 friends, family members, or coworkers who can spare $20 a month? Or 14 who can spare $10? Everyone can make a difference.
Monthly giving is:
▪ Easy - Fill out the online form once and you've supported hundreds of meals!
▪ Sustainable - You provide a continuous source of funding for those hit hardest by the difficult economy.
▪ Personal - A commitment to those less fortunate becomes a part of your daily life.

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