Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Renewable Energy: Giving from the Heart!

Much is made these days about “renewable energy” sources. Essentially, energy which passes from one form to another, igniting motion again and again. I recently experienced the “renewable energy” of good feelings that can pass from one person to another, and back again.

A college fraternity brother and I organized a home repair project with some volunteer friends prior to the holidays. The home was owned by a wonderful senior woman who was grateful beyond words. Volunteers brought their youngsters who delighted in scraping, spackling, and painting. I asked one young man if he was having fun, and he said the best thing about the day was that “the lady who lived there gives great hugs… and as many as you want!” And the energy was passed back again.

Sure enough, I also experienced a warm, crushing, hug from the senior citizen whose inner energy of love and gratitude ignited a volunteer team. The experience remains one of the best gifts I received during the holiday season, and one which will keep on giving well into 2009 and beyond.

Happy New Year from the folks at SCS!

-- by Brad Catherman
Vice President, Gift Planning

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